David K. Levine

/ Autori / David K. Levine
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Professor of Economics and Joint Chair RSCAS, Department of Economics - European University Institute  

John H. Biggs Distinguished University Professor of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis


Articoli pubblicati

The Keynesian Illusion
Why does old-fashioned Keynesianism, despite its empirical and intellectual failure, continue to grip the imagination of so many intelligent people?

L’illusione keynesiana
Un breve saggio che illustra perché la teoria economica di J.M.Keynes assomigli all'illusorio mulino a moto perpetuo di M.C.Escher

Crisis and Bailout - Updated
This is the third part of 1000 Alitalia in one shot ... I have a "new" coauthor and we have managed to find some data that leave us rather puzzled…